In the Works

A space for you to come as you are and be seen for who you are, all while In the Works of becoming who you are made to be.



In the Works, the Podcast

We all want to understand. We want to understand the purpose behind the pain, and the lesson behind the loss. 

Contrary to common belief, we are so much more alike than we realize. 

We’re all trying to heal from the things we don’t talk about. We’re all trying to heal from the things we don’t quite understand. We walk around with so much shame because of our past, yet why do we let our past dictate who we are and what we are worthy of?

If this resonates…as I like to say on the podcast - I see you, I hear you, and I’m proud of you. This is a safe space for you to come as you are and be seen for who you are; a community of friends and soon-to-be friends. 

Let’s support one another in this journey of becoming our healed, healthiest, and happiest selves. Let’s find the beauty, In the Works. 

<3 Vivi

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